Sugar Cookie Ice Cream, made in a jar, from Ice Cream with Jules. This festive ice cream combines the delicious flavor of Christmas Sugar Cookies, with creamy deliciousness of ice cream. Step aside milk and cookies, you've been replaced with Sugar Cookie Ice Cream! Grab the recipe from

Sugar Cookie Ice Cream in a Jar

Sugar Cookie Ice Cream, made in a jar! This festive ice cream combines the delicious flavor of Christmas Sugar Cookies, with creamy deliciousness of ice cream. Step aside milk and cookies, you’ve been replaced with Sugar Cookie Ice Cream!

Sugar Cookie Ice Cream in a Jar

Recipe by JuliaCourse: DessertCuisine: American


Prep time




Freeze Time



Deliciously warm and buttery sugar cookies, meet creamy vanilla ice cream, for festive treat.


  • 1 Cup Heavy Whipping Cream

  • 1/4 Cup Sugar

  • 1/2 tsp Vanilla Extract

  • 4 Sugar Cookie Dough Balls

  • Optional: Red Food Gel

  • Optional: Green Food Gel


  • For this ice cream you’ll need four sugar cookie dough balls. First take one sugar cookie dough ball, and make a small thumbprint in it, then add a few drops of red food gel to the center of it. Close the edges of the cookie over the food gel, and then roll the sugar cookie dough between your hands to mix the food coloring into the sugar cookie ball. Once the sugar cookie dough is all red, place the dyed sugar cookie on a baking sheet.
  • Repeat step one with the next sugar cookie with the green food coloring.
  • Take the two remaining un-dyed sugar cookies and add it to the cookie sheet with the red sugar cookie and one green sugar cookie. Bake via recipe instructions.
  • Once baked, remove the cookies from the oven and let cool.
  • Meanwhile, in a mason jar, combine the heavy whipping cream, sugar, and vanilla extract. Put the lid on the jar and shake to combine the ingredients.
  • Take the lid off the jar, then break up your sugar cookies into the jar.
  • Put the lid back and on and give it a quick shake to combine the sugar cookies with the ice cream mixture.
  • Take the lid off the jar and place it in the freezer for at least 4 hours or until completely frozen.
  • Once frozen, enjoy!

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