
Hi friends! Welcome to Ice Cream with Jules! I’m so glad you are here! My name is Julia, or Jules, for short! As all ‘About’ pages go, let me take a moment to tell you a little about how Ice Cream with Jules came to be, and the purpose behind it.

In Fall of 2020, on a whim, I started a little blog/Instagram called Baking This Simple where I shared baked good recipes, as a way to keep busy and challenge myself creatively. Little did I know that that little whim would help me uncover a new found love for food photography and recipe development… over the next year, I pushed myself to develop my food photography craft and recipe development skills. I spent all my free time, developing recipes, taking photos, editing, writing blog posts, trying to grow my little instagram account. By about June, of that year, I was starting to feel burnt out. I was struggling to the find balance between working a full time job, creating content, serving in the high school ministry at my church, and having a social life. For as long as I can remember, I’ve dreamed of having my own little business, and I knew that if I just stopped creating content, a part of me would feel unfulfilled. I also knew though, that I needed to figure out a different way to do, what I was doing, because I couldn’t maintain the pace I was running.

Well as summer came around, the air temperature rose, and the idea of using a hot oven, sounded terrible. All I wanted was ice cream, so I started sharing more “ice cream in a jar” recipes, because it took the pressure off me and I love ice cream — ice cream has always been my first love, more than baked goods! As I started sharing more ice cream recipes, I started getting more requests for different ice cream flavors, and after quite a lot of thought (I tend to overthink things), I decided ice cream in a jar, was the way to go! And I haven’t looked back!

Ice Cream with Jules is about helping us remember the whimsical moments in life. It’s about creating shared moments of joy! Often it’s the little things we do for others that can have the biggest impact, they’re the moments we remember the most. Whether you’re a little kid, a teenager, or an adult, whenever someone hands you a big, delicious ice cream cone, it sparks joy inside of you! Ice Cream with Jules is purposed to spread joy!

That all to say, I am so glad you are here! I hope you leave this place feeling a little more joyful, that you feel encouraged to find the whimsy in life, and inspired to seek out the beauty in everyday moments!

